The final round of school competition was held at Enatai on Sunday, January 27th.  After 5 rounds of challenges, we have got our top 3!
1st place - Adya Akhouri (5th Grade)
2nd place - Issac Yeung (4th Grade)
3rd place - Joey Yoon (4th Grade)
Congratulations to all the participants and our school champion Adya!  Adya will take an online test to qualify for the State Contest in the following week.  Wish her all the best for the state test.
We are very proud of all participants - for your commitment and disciple of studying at home in the past 3 months.  Hope you enjoyed exploring the world through the study and the excitements during the competitions.  Most importantly you had fun through the whole process!
Special thanks to Mrs Chun who coordinated and host the competition! Without her, we would not be able to have this at school.  
See you next year! Go Geo Bee kids!