The Enatai PTSA would like to express gratitude and appreciation for all the 2019-20 Corporate Partners in Education. To date our Corporate Partners have helped us raise $6500 in support of our Eagles' education. It's really exciting to see local businesses demonstrate their commitment to improving the lives and education for each and every student at Enatai Elementary school. A special thanks to:

Jesse Pacem LLC Environmental, Health and Safety Consultant
Michael Chiulli /Trilliam Dental Specialists
Soleil Roberts, DMD MSD/Soleil Orthodontics
Suh Esthetics Eastside
Factoria Family Dentistry
Teresa Kang DDS, PLLC
Team Foster
Allegro Pediatrics 
Seattle Children's Hospital
La Belle Music Academy

Enatai Families: Do you know of a business that would benefit by becoming a 2019-20 Enatai Corporate Partner In Education? You can read more about the Corporate Partnership program in this PDF and view other businesses that have joined our website. If you have questions, please contact for more details.