Interested in supporting programs and events at Enatai that you value? Each year our graduating 5th grade class takes their parents with them to middle school, leaving positions open.  Here is an updating list of events/programs without Chairs for the upcoming year.  Other positions could use a Co-Chair partner or a Shadow, who learns from the existing Chairs before they leave for middle school the following year. 

The PTSA's school events and programs have a history at Enatai: take part in the well oiled machine of planning that lets us produce these year after year.  Bring your own ideas to the framework the past provides.

Email us with questions or to take part!

Open Positions 2019-2020
Events without Chairs
Academic Adventure Toast to Enatai
Reflections Run Walk Roll
Bellevue School Foundations Ambassador Field Day
Yearbook Carnival
Variety Show  
Co-Chairs Wanted
Spooky Spaghetti Co-Chair Readathon Co-Chair
 Shadows Needed
Multicultural Shadows Movie Night Shadow
PTSA Communications PTSA Website 
PTSA Membership