Go Enatai Eagles! Enatai's Food Share program has provided 450 pounds of leftover food to a local food bank As you may be aware, students, parents and teachers came together in October 2018 to launch Food Share at Enatai.  Any unwanted and leftover packaged food from the lunchroom is transported once a week by parents to a local food bank.  This food previously use to end up as land fill.  Did you know that 7 Bellevue School District Elementary schools participate in the food share program?  In just 4 months this program has collected 7,044 pounds of food for donation.  We are proud that Enatai Elementary can be a part of making a difference! Thank you so much for everyone involved in this program!
- Catriona Watson, Julie Uyeda and Olivier Watson-Lamb (5th grade student)